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Children & Families Commission

First 5 Glenn County Board of Commisioners
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 Bill Wathen - Co Chair  HHSA Deputy Director - Social Services
 Tom Arnold
 County Board of Supervisors
 Phadie Irons Local Planning Council- Coordinator
Colleen Watkins Health and Human Services Agency
Dr. Jared Garrision  Glenn County Health Officer

First 5 Glenn County Children and Families CommissionTop of Page

The First 5 Glenn County Board of Commission convenes regularly and in partnership with other local county schools and agencies to decide by recommendation of the Executive Director and Community surveys as to what programs and services are most needed in Glenn County.  
This effort is met with consistency and creativity in establishing best practice and most effective programs and services for children from Birth through Kindergarten. The families of our children are served well with events, activities and services, as well as referrals for additional services for identified needs. Pregnant women are also served with programs for nutrition, dental and lactation needs.   

The Board of Commissioners consists of qualifying applicants of the following nature:

  • Community members
  • Educators specializing in Early Childhood Development
  • Educators in Cessation of Tobacco Products
  • Representatives from local child care Resource/Referral services or coordinating groups
  • Individuals from groups promoting prevention or early intervention for families at risk of neglect, child abuse, domestic violence or substance abuse
  • Representatives from community-based organizations that promote Nurturing Parenting and/or Early Childhood Development
  • Representatives from community or education based organizations promoting Nutrition, Health, Fitness, Dental services
  • Glenn County Pediatricians, Obstetricians or Family Practice Doctors, Dentists, Child Counselors, Psychologists
  • Local school district representatives of Preschools, Transitional Kindergarten, Traditional Kindergarten, Student Services

By statute law, the First 5 County Commission must include at least one member of the Board of Supervisors and two other County managers involved in children and family services. The remaining members of the Commission are drawn from community-based organizations and the community at large, with the requirement that such members are either recipients of services included in the strategic plan or expert representatives of organizations providing designated services (childcare, health, family support, mental health, Tobacco Cessation Education or education and other related services) to children and families.
For the Complete Responsibilities and Duties of the Commissioners and the Commission Click the link below

Commissioner Orientation