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First 5 Glenn County Encourages collaborating with Parents

The mandate is to collaborate with local programs and agencies to deliver service in areas of their expertise. The collaborative partners for the First 5 Glenn County deliveries of Glenn County's School Preparedness programs, Early Learning supports, Health / Dental Services and Parent/Adult Educational Services include the following:
This agency serves families of three and four year olds who are not receiving other preschool services by using the First Teacher Program delivering the services in the homes of migrant families.  Migrant Education also funds a summer school program for  migrant children who will be entering Kindergarten. A mobile dental clinic is also funded by this agency yearly, providing screenings for migrant and non migrant families.

First 5 Glenn County provides creative, healthy and supportive care for the children of teen parents during the educational services. Hamilton High School also administrates a State Funded Preschool program on their campus that is open during the school year and has an enrollment of 30 four and five year old children. First 5 continues to provide supportive funding to adopt the Doors to Discovery pre-school curriculum and to coach and support staff in the implementation of the curriculum as well as provide professional workshops for parents and community members.

Glenn County Primary Elementary School Districts
All primary schools serving all four and five year olds entering Transitional and Traditional Kindergarten !! 
This is the access point by which parents and teachers receive information about school preparedness activities and are provided professional trainings within their perspective communities. The Administration and Kindergarten Staff collaborate with First 5 Little Learner's staff in assessing and scoring all children entering Kindergarten. The information collected on these DECA (Devereux Early Childhood Assessments) provide each child's "readiness" upon entering kindergarten . This information is analyzed by a trained First 5 Evaluator and shared with parents and teachers each year.  These scores allow the teachers to build their skill set according to the special needs that entering children might have.  It also allows for teachers to prepare the environment to be less threatening and more enjoyable for children possibly on the spectrum of learning needs.  Parents are given materials and support in preparing their children at home with the information detailing where their child assesses at up to four months prior to entering kindergarten.  They are also provided a Little Learners Playgroup during the summer to help socialize and offer experiential opportunities for children.  Siblings of these children are then supported as well as part of the Nurturing the whole family and strengthening their family unit as well as the community.

CaFS administrates one Head Start program and one State Funded Preschool program on HamiltonCityElementary School campus. School Readiness has also provided the funding for the adoption, training and support for implementing the Doors to Discovery Curriculum as well as supporting family literacy by providing books to families and conducting parent trainings. CaFS also provides an Early Head Start program and a Home Visiting program for families with children ages zero to 3 years as well as services to pregnant mothers. The Infant Toddler Center on the Hamilton City High School Ella Barkley Campus provides services to parenting teens who are attending high school or college.
Through CaFS Resource and Referral program, a Book and Toy Lending Library is provided and is housed in the Hamilton City Library.  First 5 provides the bilingual staffing to have the lending library open one afternoon a week to enhance access for residents of Hamilton City.

The Local Childcare Planning Council (LPC) works to improve the quality and quantity of child care services in Glenn County. The council administrates support to programs to monetarily support child care and encourage providers to continue their education in the areas of Child Development and Early Childhood Education. The LPC also monitors legislation that affects the delivery of child care services and supports area trainings for all individuals working with children and families.

HHSA provides information and community education on health topics and conducts outreach providing services to qualified teens through the Adolescent Family Life and Cal- Learn programs. Utilizing the First 5 Nurturing Nest in Willows, Glenn County Health provides Woman Infants and Children (WIC) services.
Mental Health Services are provided for Glenn County children and their parents.  First 5 partners in this effort by providing equipment and materials for individual counseling in the private PCIT (Parent/Child Interaction Therapy) therapy rooms provided by HHSA licensed therapists through the Department of Mental Health.  These specialty therapy rooms are located in Orland and Willows.  First 5 supports all Mental Health needs with Family Engagement Groups, Support Groups, Family Court Support Services, Parenting Classes and Child support playgroups for health Early Learning and Social - emotional support.