Little Learners and Beyond
Nurturing Nest
The Glenn County Nurturing Nest brings together a number of community based organizations that include:
Willows/Murdock Elementary School TK - Transitional Kindergarten, K - Kindergarten, Support services for children up to 8 years of age needing additional school and social - emotional support and guidance. Orland - Mill Street Elementary TK - Transitional Kindergarten, K - Kindergarten, Support services for children up to 8 years of age needing additional school and social-emotional support and guidance.
First 5 Little Learners Playgroups and supportive services are provided at Hamilton City Elementary School, Hamilton City Community Library, Hamilton City Early Head Start, Head Start and State Preschools Playgroups and Glenn County Health Services with Flu Clinics and Car Seat installation and safety. These collaborative partners offer all families of Glenn County and surrounding areas easy access to resources and programs in the areas of Health, Safety, literacy, Socio-Emotional and Early Mental Health Development for children's Early Learning and their parents.. Literacy is provided through Parent/Child Engagement sessions, Classroom support at schools, Nurturing Family Nights and Local Park play groups in each identified town. First 5 provides support and activities in all county events that serve children and families. Such as, The Prevention of Child Abuse Fair, The Family Resource Fair, Health Fairs, School district events, Make a Kid Smile Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Autism Awareness Month, Foster Parent Support Services, School Readiness Assessments for children entering into TK and K at all county school districts and Charter School Walden.

Willows/Murdock Elementary School TK - Transitional Kindergarten, K - Kindergarten, Support services for children up to 8 years of age needing additional school and social - emotional support and guidance. Orland - Mill Street Elementary TK - Transitional Kindergarten, K - Kindergarten, Support services for children up to 8 years of age needing additional school and social-emotional support and guidance.
First 5 Little Learners Playgroups and supportive services are provided at Hamilton City Elementary School, Hamilton City Community Library, Hamilton City Early Head Start, Head Start and State Preschools Playgroups and Glenn County Health Services with Flu Clinics and Car Seat installation and safety. These collaborative partners offer all families of Glenn County and surrounding areas easy access to resources and programs in the areas of Health, Safety, literacy, Socio-Emotional and Early Mental Health Development for children's Early Learning and their parents.. Literacy is provided through Parent/Child Engagement sessions, Classroom support at schools, Nurturing Family Nights and Local Park play groups in each identified town. First 5 provides support and activities in all county events that serve children and families. Such as, The Prevention of Child Abuse Fair, The Family Resource Fair, Health Fairs, School district events, Make a Kid Smile Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Autism Awareness Month, Foster Parent Support Services, School Readiness Assessments for children entering into TK and K at all county school districts and Charter School Walden.

Collaborative Partners
First 5 Glenn County receives funds from the California Children and Families Commission to fund the Little Learner's Program. This program continues to serve the children 0 -5 years of age and their parents in the areas of our community scoring within the lowest 3 deciles on the Academic Performance Index. The purpose of the First 5 Little Learner's program is to expand the abilities of families, schools, and communities to prepare young children to enter school socially and emotionally ready for learning. One way that this goal is achieved in Hamilton City is with the Little Learner's playgroup and Nurturing Parenting Program in focusing on families with pregnant mothers, fathers and families with children zero to five years of age.
First 5 efforts support all cultural and linguistic diverse families as well as support the needs of children with disabilities.
Little Learner's playgroups with children and their parents impress the following concepts:
- Talk, Read and Sing to your babies, toddlers and preschoolers every day!
- Prepare Children to be ready for school-cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally!
- Help prepare schools and teachers to be ready for Children-schools participate in the transition process from home, child care or preschool. The receiving school provides parents and caregivers with the behavior and academic expectations of the school. Preparing them during the summer months prior to entry with curriculum, materials and assessed skill set of their children to build on.
- Family and Community Supportive Services-education services, social services and health services made available and accessible to every family ensuring that families have what they need to support their child's success in school and in life!